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About me

So you came to this page , yeeeeeee.

I started playing League of Legends 2 years ago with some friends from my town. Firstly , when i played the first game in Summoner's rift i felt like , meh some Copy-Paste codes and algorithms from Dota. But the more i played , i understood and enjoyed it more and more . I started to play Ranked games and it was really cool . My personal records is Platinum IV , and after that i stopped playing a bit because i started to play Guild Wars II and Diablo III . On my blog you can read posts from my personal experience , not a copy-pasted text from other blogs or website. It's just me here , so if you like what i am doing pls support me , and if you don't WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU READING THIS .

I found some Screen-shots from me , which you may like it :) 

Farming with Gragas like a boss

Mid-Lane , Wraith camp , Jungle farming
The unseen blade is the deadliest 
Pro , Howiling abyss

Aram with Caitlyn

Also , you can check my lolking score if you click here.

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