Ahh that ranking system of League of Legends
Well if you just reached lvl 30 and you have 15+ heroes you are ready to feel the pain , which will haunt you through the rest of your life ^^ .The TERMS for you to succeed in climbing easy in divisions by my point of view are :
- Know how to play at least 2-3 champions for every lane
- Find someone more experienced to play with ( DUO QUEUE )
- Mute instantly if someone start complaining about your style of playing the game
- Be friendly with your team-mates ( its a team-play game , not a single player FPS game)
~ Know how to play at least 2-3 champions for every lane .
This in my opinion is the most important rule that everyone should follow. But Why ? Pls ? Not Again Nunu ? I don't want to play same champions over and over .
STOP !!!!!
You must , bro believe me . Playing the same champion over and over gives you an edge in general. Learning his distance of skill shot exactly in pixels , learning his movement speed , mana cost / energy cost of his spells , his auto-attack range and many others thing will give you a step forward against your opponent !!
~ Find someone more experienced to play with ( DUO QUEUE )
A lot of people hate duo queue , but for me that was a another boost in my game . I loved to play Adc , so because i am in a lane with another guy i thought i should find a support were we will be act like ONE . And believe me , it worked for me very well . From Silver III , to Platinum IV we managed to climb in about a month ( season 3 ) . I am just talking about my experience , so try it and you won't regret.
~ Mute instantly if someone start complaining about your style of playing the game
It's obvious that you can't give your best while you have a team-player who is raging and blaming all the time other team-mates for NO REASON . That kind of player you should always MUTE .
Follow that player in team-fights if you must , but don't Unmute him for the love of god , DON'T.
After muting , you will fell yourself like a Le Bron James in basketball court LOOL :)))
~ Be friendly with your team-mates ( its a team-play game , not a single player FPS game)
When someone of your team make a good play , and you are aware of it , don't hesitate to give him a really nice comments like
( Well done Lee , nice gank OR Omg that ulty - you are a GOD bro ) .
With those comments , you will boost more and more team spirit and players morale , and you will very much close to a victory.
Follow this steps , be yourself and strive to victory
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