One of the more important lanes in League of Legends is solo-top , or as i want to call them "Tank". We all have different style of playing , and if you want to guard and take arrows in the back just for your team-mates , this role is definitely for you.
Champion's fitting this position : Tank-Fighter , Tank-Mage
In my opinion this are the RULES that you should stick to in order to be successful in the top-lane
- FARM the minions as much as possible
- Learn how to trade damage
- Early level ganks
- Yes , its lonely island , but YES you there are 4 more players with you
~ Farm the minions as much as possible
Don't try to poke if there is no need . Use your "poke" to kill the minion which will give you gold to be BEAST later on . Try to have 80-85 cs until the 10 minute mark . It's not your job what is happening in bot-lane while you are farming , because earning a single is WORTH .
~ Learn how to trade damage
Being in lane with some bully champion is really annoying , so try to be PATIENT and wait for your opportunity. For a start , you will need to know opponents cooldown's so you can PLAN your rotation of spells .
~ Early level ganks
I think this is the most important rule to know , because a good top-laner always have the sense when an enemy jungler is approaching ( normally is in the 3:00 minute of the game ^^ ) . If your jungler is near by , try to make some play if you feel that you can win the duel , BUT ONLY IF YOUR JUNGLER IS HERE .
So track Mini Map and you will be fine.
~ Yes , its lonely island , but YES you there are 4 more players with you
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