Some people
may disagree with me but the support is a vital role and as important as other
roles. For starters and new players the support may seem like a wasted role,
like being a daydreamer and just sleeping in the bushes and not farming. If you
are a teamwork kinda guy this is the perfect role for you.It’s a fun role that
allows you the mindset of aiding your team and always be there when they need
you and it's the most important role when it comes to making your marksman THE
CARRY . There are 3 core roles for the support :
- Map/Vision CONTROL
- Allow the carry to FARM SAFELY during Laning Phase
- PROTECTING your carry at all times and costs
Map/Vision Control
Bot-Lane warding |
Late-game warding positions |
Every player on a team has to help with the Map/Vision control but as a support this is your primary goal. The fog of war is your enemy , the smaller it is the bigger your chances of winning the game are. Vision is needed for controlling the enemy jungler movements or keeping your jungler safe in your own jungle , for dragon/baron Nashor control and MOST importantly for you and your botlane partner to keep you safe and alert in your laning phase. Warding spots differ as the game progress , in early to mid game you should focus on dragon control and keeping vision of all the entrances to your lane but depending on the game and situations its good to keep vision control of atleast one buff. In late game you should have at least 1-2 wards around the baron area.If your team is helping you with warding as they should you will have the jungle warded so you will know when they are coming into your jungle if you are defending or if you are attacking to try and catch somebody in their jungle. During laning phase I prefer to have my pink ward behind me if we are pushing lane so we are sure that the enemy botlane has no clue when our jungler is coming. In the link I am providing here you can see the spots that you should pay attention to when warding during laning phase and late game .And to wrap about warding I have to say that I kinda miss the good old ward wars and the ability to alone ward everything your team needs to be warded.Remove the limit of using 3 wards only at one moment , RITO PLS :)
Laning Phase
There are
different styles of playing in botlane but all of them have one thing in common
, the ad carry needs to keep farming and farming. You are there to do
everything you can so your carry feels safe in lane and gets his farm up. You
should never take free damage , watch your positioning keep the lane bushes
warded and river if you are pushing . If you are taking dmg then make sure you are
that only one so your carry will not be harmed, if you are a sustain or
passive lane shield him,heal him or even body block spells but only if there is
no way both of you can dodge them. If you are an aggressive/poke lane harass
the enemy carry as much as you can , make him feel unsafe about farming and
push him out of lane or even kill him but if the support is careless and you
notice him/her out of position feel free to dmg them too because without the
support the carry shouldn't push the lane or even try to come and farm and will
lose precious cs. Also you have the all in combos which most them have Leona or
Annie as supports , they might be aggressive or passive in the beginning but
after lvl 3 they will come after you with all they got , watch out for that and
don’t let your carry gets stunned or if it gets caught then disengage or use
whatever CC you have to not allow their carry doing dmg on yours.
Protect your carry
is essential for all roles and especially carries but you can’t avoid everything
and at the current meta there are a lot of bruiser or assassin champions with
gap closers that will target your carry both in laning phase and in team
fights. The carry is the main prey and you should never leave him alone without
protection , always stand near him and do all you can so he/she can do his main
job – CARRY you to victory. Use every kind of CC you have to keep the enemies
off your carries and don’t spare any heals or shields you have . Essential item
for doing this is my favorite support item – Mikael’s Crucible , use it in
every team fight to remove stuns or slows from your carry or only to give him
extra health when he/she is down at less than half HP. Every carry should have
superb positioning and kitting skills but nevertheless you MUST be ALWAYS near
him and keep him/her alive. If you die and your adc survives and gets kills
than your goal is complete, its not a loss even if you take the kill but your
carry MUST survive. The more time your carry is dead and has less time farming the
least are your chances of winning the game.For
me these are things that every player that wants to try the support role should
know. For more details about specific support champions and runes and masteries
will talk some other time. Gl hf and cya on the Summoner’s Rift.
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