In this post i will try to explain how much important role is Ad-carry or i should call it Marksman . Playing Marksman is really hard and demanding , but if you practice more and more you will figure it out why is so important to play this role.
In my opinion , these are the 4 steps that you should stick to it if you want to be a better player in this role :
- Positioning
- Communicate with your partner in lane
- Farming
This will be the most hardest thing for you to learn , but believe me when you master it , then you will be a better player . Positioning is not standing FAR BEHIND and do a little bit of damage to the tanks . Also , you don't need to over- extend and chase squishy target's. Your goal here is to use every information you know about your enemy 5 champions. Sounds confusing , right ?
Well , that's why a lot of players gave up playing a Marksman , because their only thought of that is "OMG this champion is killing me, i don't want to play it anymore" or "Miss Fortune sucks , she doesn't have any escape mechanism". Well my beloved Summoner , its all about Positioning and knowing what your enemy team is comfortable of doing. Like an example , you know if you know that Allistar have his flash up , he can flash Q ( Pulverize ) in a second , and you will be OUT OF POSITION for the incoming team-fight.
That's the information you should know before the team-fight even started . Maybe i got to excited with describing the situation , but believe me you don't want to be caught or something like that because your team will luck physical dmg .
The definition of posititon in other words is - Being able to do as much as possible damage without dying. Having a map awareness , knowing your enemy's cooldowns on spells , summoner's and items will make it easier for you to position better.
To have this in League of Legends , you will need a lot of practice and if you are a new player to this game , don't worry because on this blog you will find everything what is in need to be a better player .
Communicate with your partner in lane
You know , you are in a lane with another random guy/girl ( girls love to support ) so getting know each-other is a + 50% to win in a lane. Signal with ping or write to in team-chat that you want to attack - retreat , test his skills . Laning phase is really important for the later on , so getting well with your mate in lane is a great way to victory. Good support knows what to do , the question here is does the Marksman knows what to do :) ?
Last hitting with Ad-carry i just a must must know . Try to get every single minion that is in your way . You really cannot shine in mid or late game if you are not farmed really well . With good runes and masteries it will be more easier for you . If you miss one , try to concentrate on the another one , don't get confused and miss a whole wave.
This will help you a lot , so check again in your masteries pages that you have selected.
There is a lot more to discuss here , particular in this role . Try to maneuver this steps , and more tips will come in future !!!
This will help you a lot , so check again in your masteries pages that you have selected.
There is a lot more to discuss here , particular in this role . Try to maneuver this steps , and more tips will come in future !!!
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